Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Does Business Coaching Work? The story of my journey

When I was first introduced to the concept of business coaching, it was not something I had considered for my business. A lot of the time people spoke of business consultants but that often had a negative connotation.

With business coaching, they often say "when the student is ready, the coach will appear" and that is exactly what happened with me a year ago. 

I had never thought to go to business seminars but then I came across JT Foxx's event on a friend of mines facebook page. This was Friday afternoon and the event was Saturday morning. I just figured I had nothing to lose and I knew we needed to do something different but I did not know how. I registered and went with my business partner and we had no idea what to expect. We had never heard of JT Foxx but when we had the opportunity to meet him and learn from him we could understand why everyone spoke so highly of him. JT Foxx (Worlds #1 wealth coach) immediately became my role model as I knew this was an individual I could look up to and learn from. People often talk about a switch going off and that is exactly what had happened that weekend.

JT Foxx, Marisa da Silva, Veronica Da Silva
First Event
As the year has gone on, I have seen the growth in our business but predominantly in myself. One of my biggest fears was that I would not be able to take over the business and I would run it into the ground but I no longer fear that. I know with the support and guidance from my family, friends and my coaches I can not go wrong. Business now excites me and the challenges it poses only motivates me to succeed and push myself harder. The high level individuals I have met this last year and have the fortune to call friends have opened opportunities and created connections that are invaluable.

How business coaching helped my business:

This past year our business has grown by 21%. We have expanded our product lines, moved from 200m2 warehouse to 600m2 warehouse and even that is too small now. Expanded into 2 new countries. Started to supply bakery equipment which is our newest business venture (Bakery in a Box) and opened a training school for bakeries. We now analyse our numbers and have implemented more systems and feedback mechanisms. This is only a few of the changes our business has undergone since we have received business coaching. 

This is why I can say business coaching does work if you do these 2 things:

  1. take action AND 
  2. have the correct coach.

 Some highlights of my year with my business coach.
Marisa da Silva and Jay Abraham
Meeting and Learning from Jay Abraham

Marisa da Silva on Cliff Central
Speaking on Cliff Central

Marisa da Silva and Michelle Mone OBE
Meeting Michelle Mone

Marisa da Silva, JT Foxx and Sylvester Stallone
Myself with JT Foxx and Sylvester Stallone

Marisa da Silva, Steve Wozniak and JT Foxx
Myself with Steve Wozniak and JT Foxx

Backstage at Mega Partnering
Backstage at the worlds number 1 networking event

Marisa da Silva Graduating from University of Pretoria
Honours Graduation

JT Foxx and Marisa da Silva
One of SA's original millionaire underdog

Marisa da Silva Speaking
Sharing the success of my business in front of 450 entrepreneurs

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marisa - Congrats on all your Amazing Achievements thus far!! When I met you in JNB Nov. '14 - I didn't realize you are such a great Businesswoman already - but found that you were such an amazing positive person with a zest for life! After reading your Blog - I stand amazed! May your Businesses grow from Strength to Strength & the rest of SA Businesswoman - learn from you - So young - yet already so powerful in Business!! JT Foxx & his Mentors/Coaches has truly transformed many SA Entrepreneurs into major Success Stories - like yours - we are honored to have him in SA!! Enjoy the Journey Ahead & keep us posted!!
